Consulta de convocatòries de màster

List of calls open for application

o mostrar-los tots

Codificació Denominació Ensenyaments destinataris Departament Data inici presentació sol·licituds Data fi presentació sol·licituds
2425BM_DREE Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Business and Contractual Law
  • Business and Contractual Law
2425BM_EMPI Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2425BM_ENGC Master’s Grant for students on the Inter-University Master's Degree in Computational Engineering and Mathematics
  • Computer Engineering and Mathematics
2425BM_ENSL Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Teaching Languages: Spanish as a Foreign Language
  • Teaching Languages: Spanish as a Foreign Language
2425BM_ENSA Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Teaching and Acquiring English as a Foreign Language / Second Language (ALE/ASL)
  • Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign/Second Language (EFL/ESL)
2425BM_GENF Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Forensic Genetics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Forensic Genetics, Physics and Chemistry
2425BM_GESD Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Management of Tourism Destinations
  • Tourism destination management
2425BM_INNI Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Innovation in the Social and Educational Intervention
  • Innovation on Social and Educational Intervention
2425BM_INVC Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Nursing Sciences Research
  • Nursing Science Research
2425BM_MECF Master’s Grant for students on the Inter-University Master's Degree in Computational Fluid Mechanics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
2425BM_PLAG Master’s Grant for students on the Inter-University Master's Degree in Planning, Governance, and Territorial Leadership
  • Planning, Governance and Territorial Leadership
2425BM_PRER Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
  • Occupational Risk Prevention
2425BM_SINC Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design
  • Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design
2425BM_ANTM Master’s Grant for students on the University Masters’s Degree in Medical Anthropology and Global Health
  • Medical Anthropology and Global Health
2425BM_COME Master’s Grant for students on the University Master's Degree in Strategic Communication
  • Strategic Communication

68 records founds.
You can consult the information about the masters funding that can currently be applied for here.